CHEM 2323 SI
Updated answer keys will be uploaded shortly after sessions. Please contact me if you have any questions!
Ch 7 Content
Chapter 7:
Introduction to Substitution and Elimination Reactions
Nomenclature and Uses of Alkyl Halides
Sn2 Reactions
Nucleophilic Strength in Sn2 Reactions
Introduction to E2 Reactions
Stability of Alkenes and Cycloalkenes
Regiochemical and Stereochemical Outcomes of E2 Reactions
Unimolecular Reactions (Sn1 and E1) Predicting Products: Substitution vs. Elimination
Substitution and elimination Reactions with Other Substrates
Synthesis Strategies
Solvent Effects in Substitution Reactions
Ch 7 Substitution Blanks
Ch 7 Substitution KEY
Ch 7 SN1/E1 Blanks
Ch 7 SN1/E1 KEY
Ch 7 Synthesis Blanks
Ch 7 Synthesis KEY
Ch 8 Content
Chapter 8:
Introduction to Addition Reactions
Alkenes in Nature and in Industry
Nomenclature of Alkenes
Addition vs. Elimination: A thermodynamic Perspective
Acid-Catalyzed Hydration
Catalytic Hydrogenation
Halogenation and Halohydrin Formation
Anti Dihydroxylation
Syn Dihydroxyaltion
Oxidative Cleavage
Predicting the Products of an Addition Reaction
Synthesis Strategies
Ch 8 Synthesis Blanks
Ch 8 Synthesis KEY
Ch 8 Synthesis and IUPAC naming Blanks
Ch 8 Synthesis and IUPAC naming KEY